Pick a Card: What do you need to hear right now? — LovefromEm

Emily Kotula
7 min readJan 15, 2021

NOTE: For this pick a card reading, if the context doesn’t fit your situation exactly, still look at the message below the context, guidance can still be found there. 🙂 Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!

Piles 1–3 are left to right.

If you are new to pick a card readings and you’re not sure how to pick. Simply focus on the cards or crystals (or both) and choose the one you intuitively feel pulled to. Hint: It’s usually the first one 😉 don’t overthink it!

Watch it here or scroll down to read:

All of the groups have been summarised into dot points from the video so the messages can be read easily and concisely.

Group 1:


  • 1st card/overall energy is the 8 of cups reversed: Leave behind what is no longer serving you!
  • You may currently be in a job/career/working on a project or just in a situation that was initially brought about by your desire to succeed and really create something for yourself that is financially and emotionally fulfilling.
  • However, I sense that things may not be all that you had hoped for even though it may be catering to your basic needs. It may be comfortable and gives you a sense of security but overall it’s very mediocre and not truly fulfilling for you.
  • Depending on the person (since this is meant to be a general reading); the current situation is causing you to feel:
  • Anxiety/inner tension/stress.
  • Like you’re giving so much and getting so little in return.
  • Under appreciated.
  • Impatient for results, admiration and respect that seems to have no intention of showing up.
  • You’ve been putting up with this situation for an annoyingly long time. ☹
  • Part of you knows you deserve the admiration, respect, and acknowledgement for your work. And you do!

Your Message

  • Instead of trudging along, going the extra mile, and impatiently waiting for results and acknowledgment that isn’t likely to come. Leave whatever this is behind and go after something that’s going to appreciate you for how hardworking, dedicated and amazing you are.
  • Do NOT doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • Life’s too short to have your work go unappreciated!
  • You need to know that there really IS something out there that is better for you. Something far more fulfilling.
  • You need to take a chance on this hope and trust the universe is going to catch you. I know its hard to leave things that are comfortable, but you are being called to step out of you comfort zone and go after what you deserve.
  • On another note, it could also be taking a chance on a new partnership that could help you along in this situation in some way. It could be a romantic or even a business connection. Maybe both. But you won’t discover what this person could offer you if you stay where you are. You are being called to move forward!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Take a chance on your own happiness and emotional (and financial) fulfillment.

Your Affirmation

‘I let go of all that no longer serves me’ ~ beautifully relevant.

Group 2:


  • 1st card/overall energy is the 2 of cups upright: Partnership focused.
  • This feels like a romantic connection but could apply to a friendship or other partnership.
  • Regarding this connection, there could be a lot of tension between the two of you. An argument or conflict may have gone down leaving both of you quite broody and angry. You both seem quite fiery by nature and what went down went down passionately.
  • You might not be talking to this person currently. Hearts have been broken, feelings hurt, grief is in the air.
  • As this is a general reading, I’m sensing a couple possibilities: Overall though there is a feeling of betrayal and deceit across the cards.
  • Infidelity/cheating
  • Sabotage: Someone with strong feminine energy has felt betrayed or lied to: ‘it’s not fair’. (not necessarily cheating).
  • Self-sabotage: Someone unconsciously sabotaging the relationship because they have inner issues with themselves (ie. I don’t feel worthy of this connection). This could be in a big way or in small ways that has accumulated over time and now you both feel very disconnected.
  • Regardless of what happened, there is still a sense of love in the connection or at least one of you reminisce on the love you once felt for each other and wish it could go back to the way things were.
  • One of you could be looking to the horizon and wanting to move on (likely the person who has caused the hurt) and the other still feels stuck in the relationship (by choice or not) in some way whether that’s physically, emotionally, spiritually etc. (This person is likely to be the person experiencing the grief, heartache or betrayal from the other). This person may also want to work things out and isn’t ready to move forward.

Your Message

  • You need to take a break. I feel like its likely you’re the one with the broken heart. But either way take this as a sign to step away from this connection, rest and process what happened.
  • Focus on yourself and turn love inwards. Especially if you’re heartbroken and grieving. Self love and self care is necessary right now! ❤
  • If this is something really playing on your mind, giving you anxiety, or stressing you out; know the universe sees you and that is why the message for rest is so strong.
  • There is a decision for you to make. It won’t be easy. But if you don’t make the decision, it will be made for you and quickly.
  • Remember to act in your best interest! Do what you gotta do.
  • There are things that might still be hidden, and you are being called to uncover them in time. Small things that may resonate in regards to the betrayal could be:
  • The ‘other’ person: You may know who that is
  • Financial issues/abuse
  • Someone thinking they’re the sh*t.
  • ‘The grass is greener on the other side’
  • comparing oneself to someone: PLEASE DON’T IF YOU ARE! YOU ARE AMAZING!

Your Affirmation

‘I let go of all that no longer serves me’ ~ Same card pulled for group 1! There could be messages for you there too.

Group 3:


  • 1st card/overall energy is the king of pentacles reversed: This is likely you in the situation, a stubborn person or stubborn toward what’s been happening.
  • This was quite a specific reading so I hope it resonates with the people who need to hear it.
  • I feel a younger audience for this reading. It could be a family or friend situation but could apply to others.
  • I immediately felt a spacey/complex energy when shuffling and it sustained throughout the reading. Perhaps you feel confused and spacey yourself or the situation you’re currently going through is complex and physical ‘space’ could be relevant to you.
  • This ‘space’ could be relevant in that people in your life want space or you feel like they’re leaving you in some way.
  • If this is a family situation then an older more parental figure could be following something that they hope will bring them happiness. I see this as a someone else marrying into the family literally or figuratively. However you aren’t fully happy with this. If It’s a friend group situation, someone could be going off a lot with a boyfriend or possibly a new friend. Either way I sense that you aren’t thrilled by this, you are stubborn against it and you’re worried that you’ll get replaced or won’t receive the same sort of attention.
  • Someone, a sibling or friend, feels quite similarly to how you feel but is more outspoken about it which has caused arguments and problems in the past. You tend to brood more and keep things to yourself compared to them.
  • Another sibling or friend in the situation also doesn’t like the situation but instead of going against it has decided to emotionally tap out and turn away instead. Perhaps they have walked away with their emotional baggage to find their own happiness somewhere else.
  • If there’s ANOTHER person in your situation, they may be the youngest or the ‘baby’ of the group, who are torn between following you or the tapped out person.

Your Message

  • Acceptance. There are 2 things you can do but both require acceptance of the situation. There’s only so much you can push. You can’t resist and be stubborn forever.
  • Option 1: Take a chance on this new person in your life. But remember that your connection with the old person (who’s now connected to this new person) is still valid. Ask for what you need. Set your boundaries.
  • Option 2: Walk away or let them walk away. You may want your needs met by this person but you might have to face the possibility that they cannot or are not willing to meet those needs. This is where you walk away and fulfill those needs by your own hands or somewhere else.
  • You deserve to have your needs met and be seen and understood!

Your Affirmation:

‘I do not have to prove myself to anyone’ ~ do not remain in defensive energy, ask for what you need and be open to receive!

Love from Em xx

Originally published at https://emilykotula.com on January 15, 2021.

